Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Moving Sites Around - Bad File/Folder Names

As we are a law firm, we frequently have verbose file names and folder names. We have done some training and try to have everyone keep it to a paragraph or two :-) and limit the punctuation, that and we have a little file renaming tool for mass importers to use.

An interesting situation came up when moving a site that had a correspondence folder receiving lots of emails. As the email subject line may include all kinds of illegal characters and be way too long, when Sharepoint creates folder in which to stash the attachments, it seems to do this: display the incorrect name and truncate the actual pointers. Although I really need to research this more, I am in fix mode, so it is just an observation.

These correspondence folders with crazy long names seem to work OK in normal operations. It only becomes a problem when trying to do an export/import (move the site somewhere). The export writes without errors, but the import blows up badly. You end up having to try to rename the folders. This doesn't work well using the UI, but it works OK in Windows Explorer.

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