Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Heading to Vail! Woo Hoo!

I first went skiing in 1972. BUT, I call myself, "the skier OBVIOUSLY from Ohio." It's not just that I've never skied any real mountains or seldom frequently enough to amass much skill, I don't think I have much natural talent.

No matter. I make up for that with the ability to have as good a time as anyone. On rare occasions, I think I look good doing it. Spectacular, sometimes, until the terrible fall comes. At my age (50) and with my history (worn out body parts from many marathons), I usually can only take one nasty fall per day. I'm not sure I can take more than one day of skiing.

Vail Snow Report

A week from Saturday (December 8th), I'll be in the Rocky Mountains on a REAL ski trip for the first time. It's very interesting that almost none of the skiers I've met who are on this trip have the kind of humility I've displayed on this page! I met a bunch of them tonight and, although they are a really fun bunch of people, every single one of them is (at least conversationally) twice the skier I am. These are all much more experienced (and older) skiers.

I've experienced something like this before, going on a ski trip by bus with a group much older than me. This group seems just as old and more skilled.

No worries, though. If anything, this is a sociable group. I am sure I will enjoy the trip. Hopefully I will do well on the slopes.

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