I upgraded my developer workstation yesterday and it was unbelievably painless. I think this is especially noteworthy since my workstation is a fully functional desktop with everything from Office and Visual Studio to Chrome and mRemote. It also acts as a Hyper-V host for a number of machines I need to do my work.
Before starting I took several precautions, all of which were unnecessary:
- Back up My documents
- Back up Downloads
- Defragmented my hard drives
and for my Hyper-V setup:
- Compacted one of the drives that was too big
- Shut down all machines
- Deleted all snapshots
- Set machines to use static MAC address
- Exported VM's (in case I had to start from nothing)
I upgraded from a DVD. Server 2012 setup gives you one button - Install now. A little over an hour later, it was done. Everything still worked. One virtual machine needed to be set to allow MAC spoofing. I was back to work just like that!